(I'm going to offend alot of people with this story but I have been begged to tell it, so here goes ...)
Once upon a time I met perky, young & vivacious young atheist/humanist named #Monick's. As I am dark, morose & depressing, she and I did not hit it off. In fact we stepped in it. Up to our asses in shit we hated each other so badly. I'll come right out and say it. So we blocked each other and I thought, but for the occasional mention, that we had gone our separate ways until one night a few days ago...
@DanGalanos tweeted me. He called me a bunch of nasty & profane names all in defense of the damsel #Monick's. IN fact, his bio at the time read (you can't read it now because his account has disappeared! Shocker!): "I'm the luckiest guy in the world. I get to hang out with #Monick's all day!" (I can't make this stuff up). He later tweeted me 'again,' this time calling me a ... lemme get this straight...a shitstorm narcissistic bitch of a loser. I pretty much just strung all his tweets together there. As his account has been deleted, you get the general idea. The guy was in love. After he was done with me...
A couple of days later I get ANOTHER tweet from one of #Monick's followers, @Ukle909, condemning me further. Don't look for THAT account either, as IT has also been 'deleted.' I took quite a beating during that conversation. Some people came to my aid as I was completely blindsided by the attack on my character and person. Unknown to me at the time was a benefactor, of sorts, who was 'ghosting' the trolling & baiting of the #Medusa. He was my #DeepThroat.
One day I received a tweet from #DeepThroat, @z*****57. He is a self-confessed atheist & tweet 'reader.' He does not tweet. He reads interesting threads. Frankly he finds most tweeps base, back-stabbing & competitive. Pretty accurate description of most! That night, while I was under 'assualt,' he was watching the entire drama unfold. He told me the most amazing story. In the end it will be a sad tale. But you should be grateful to him as I would not be tweeting if not for his aid.
#DeepThroat told me a tale of such deceit that it made me sick and terrified of ever tweeting again. He told me that #Monicks had set up several dummy accounts that she tweeted from. I've mentioned one. Another one he told me about was @AtheistBabe with an avi picture that was a dead ringer for #Monick's. THAT account has also been deleted. She used these accounts, apparently, to bully people & retweet herself to better her odds of getting the top #atheist tweet of the day. (WTH?) A direct quote from #DeepThroat where he is discussing #Monick's behavior with another tweep said: "It just pissed me off. She ALWAYS gets the top. Look at @TheTweetOfGod @BibleAlsoSays @RosaRubicondior they have many followers. They make great tweets but never on top because she stacks the deck. This is my last tweet here. I will just read from now on but I had to say something to someone because it just got to me. Even the chick I talked to last night was not sure if I was screwing her. WTF man. Thanks for listing anyway. I had to vent."
I am the 'chick' he was referring to. Now I don't know if #Monick's is really that low down and dirty. But then I don't take #Twitter as seriously as she does, either. It would never occur to me to use multiple accounts like that & people who do are, frankly, nutters. She can deny this from Mt. Everest if she likes. She is better than I am at this whole deception game. At one point in her 'own' timeline she snidely remarked that "everything can be found in a cache somewhere!" She was referring to some tweets wherein, over the course of over a year, I casually mentioned her.
Should I have remarked on her at all? Well, I think Ronald Reagan was a pretty shitty and underhanded boob of a President, but I haven't been trolled & baited by HIS family. From that I will have to deduce that I'm allowed, in this great country of ours, to comment on whom I please. If she didn't like that, she should have been a woman and told me to my face. But she didn't. She went behind my back & some STRANGER had to tell me. One of my favorite followers DM'd me during her underhanded ti-raid on me, to tell me that he didn't want to 'get involved.' What a scared little man you were, Martin. Shame on people like you.
While undergoing this subterfuge, I never asked for help or for anyone to take any action against her. The entire time I was ignorant of the fact that it was her playing me through dummy accounts the entire time. And all the 'evidence...' has been mysteriously deleted. Except for one tweet in her timeline regarding me sent to the now defunct @DanGalanos: "I've recently learned from my friend Dan: Apparently it is very difficult to deal with crazy people without becoming one of them. (◕‿~)'" Quote. End quote.
That 'crazy' person she was referring to was me. It's the only insult I can pin on her. Not that I want to pin ANYthing on her. Or even hear her name spoken. My workers are busy scrubbing the last vestiges of her name off my temple. What she did was unspeakably cruel and under handed. But one of my friends put it this way, and it's my favorite summation of the havoc she caused: "Well, SHE is infatuated with you! That's a compliment, eh?"
Well, @Monicks. Stop being fascinated with me. You are the type of girl that mother's warn their son's about. It's a free country! @Monick's, the amount of time and trouble that you put into this little scheme reveal a petty and conniving young girl. I don't know what 8k+ people see in you. I am damn glad I am not one of your 110 awesome people YOU do follow back. I pity the next fool that pisses you off.
But now I feel so much better getting that off my chest. And I won't get zoomed a second time. Because of what she did, she cost my followers something: The Medusa they grew to know and love is no longer as trusting. She is somewhat more embittered than before. So whoever reads this or gives it to her to read, thank you for saving me the trouble of doing so. If you read this and follow her, please unfollow me. I'm sure you will. She is perfection personified and I'm just me. If I hate you, as a Greek, I just spit on you and walk away. Well, #Monick's, consider yourself spat upon and take a long look at my fat Greek ass as it struts proudly away from you and your kind.
Beware good tweeps, it's a dangerous #Twitterverse out there. Be safe.
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