Our Common Ills
#Our Common Ills, World Population & Politics:
*The most prescient problem in our world, on our planet, is an over abundance of human beings and a rapid depletion of resources. There is, a mass migration of immigrants from third world countries into industrialized nations. Because it seems that those nations have an abundance of resources. And certainly, recently, this has been proven to be true.
In America, for instance, it has been said that 95% of the entire country is in the hands of the wealthiest 1%. How can this be? That is easy: Politics. But, when the 'immigrant' arrives looking for abundance, there is none. They become angry and want to change the system. They learn the laws of their new land and change them. This is democracy at it's core. And we call these people criminals. Illegals. How can a person be illegal.
It should be illegal NOT to feed the hungry, no matter how they got that way. "How can our common ills be SHAMEFUL to us?" said Euripides. He cries further, "If any man should fall, support him with your HANDS." These are just not quaint ancient Greek quotes from obscurity. They ring true today.
"The human lot is a HARSH one without being made STILL harsher by one's 'friends," said R. E. Meagher (fr. The Essential Camus). And yet we kick them when they are down and they keep coming. And they will keep coming because industrialized nations pillaged their countries throughout history. For centuries. So now they turn to the most 'powerful' countries for aid: To America, to Russia, to Europe, naming but a few.
Perhaps it is time for a world government. All I know is that the city or country which forgets how to care for their 'strangers,' has forgotten to care for itself. And now watch it all burn. Because we have forgotten to care for each other. And it is long past the time necessary to set it all right again. What do we do now?
Put down your weapons and pick up a plow.
Follow this link:
World population clock w/ diagrams: http://www.worldometers.info/world-population/
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