Sunday, January 29, 2012

Can't We All Just Get Along?

Can't we all just get along??

1 comment:

  1. There's a crazy Christian cult on the rise in the US and James Howard Kunstler believes Americans needs to watch out! (Of course he wasn't not the first to talk about this and this podcast interviews the author of a new book.) The New Apostolic Reformation is a dangerous movement exerting its influence on the American political sphere during a time when this country is so fraught... You can get this episode or subscribe to his weekly radio broadcast. KunstlerCast #175: "Despotic Christian Theocrats on the Rise" is the name of the episode broadcast on Dec 28 2011. Christian Reconstructionism was founded in USA in 1950s and advocates apocalyptic war in the Middle East, amonst other reactionary doctrines i.e. Handmaid's Tale; they make Friends with Zionism only in order to start that final war. Then Reconstructionism devolved into Evangelistic Dominionism, further devolved into the current actual Apostolic movements, wherein certain individuals publicly proclaim that they are modern apostles and rule now theocratically, such as in last year's rally in which Rick Perry participated. So the conclusion seems to be that Apostolic Evangelistic Dominionism is much much more dangerous than any other religion, especially in the USA. (I am on the inside of this movement since I joined the 'Quaker' Friends [Evangelistic Dominionism] congregation in December here in Fairfield Iowa, so I know first hand of which I write! I have published essays for years about Evangelistic Dominionism and you may have seem my latest tweets about them.) :3)
